• Sydney: Tưởng Niệm Ngày 30 tháng Tư năm 2023

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  • Ngày Quân Lực 19/06/2019 ở San Diego

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  • Canberra: 44 năm Quốc Hận - 30/04/2019

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Doctors and nurses – The guardian angels in our lives

This is to dedicate to all health care workers (ie. doctors, nurses, and other medical staff including volunteers) of all times, in peacetime and wartime, fighting on the front lines to care for the sick and to save lives, the ones who observe conscientiously the Hippocratic Oath while practising their profession with responsibility, sympathy, understanding and making ultimate sacrifice.

They are on the front lines
They fight for your lives
Against the evil enemies
During peace and wartime
With bravery, they rush to your side
Whilst you lay in bed or on the battlefield
Risking their lives to save yours
Using their own bodies as a shield
Above their head raging heavy fires
They go through hell to pull you out of hell
Of compassion, they’re doctors without borders (1)
Of empathy, friends and foes are all treated well
Racing against time
To save your life
With limited resources and short supplies (2)
Till the last drop of sweat, extremely tired.
Respond to urgent request, health emergencies
Stepping back into the field from a retiree’s life (3)
In your darkest hours, they are a shining light
To take you through critical moments - staying alive
Struggling between life and death
And recovering in the ICU
To lift your spirits, to give you strength
With a smile, they say “I’ll See You”
Wishing you good night and sleep tight
Keeping an eye on you, having white nights
They see you more than their own family
They care for you more than their own baby (4)
Putting their own physical and emotional pain aside (5)
They work around the clock to the last bit of energy
Skipping meals, bathroom breaks, and sleepless nights
Exhausted, burn out, laying down for a bit of time (6)
Put their head down all day long inside
They lose track of time, don’t know day or night
Don’t know whether it is cloudy or clear skies
They have made heartbreaking sacrifices
Fatefully, many lost their lives
From dedication or a voice from inside (7)
They are heroes, they are the white knights
They are guardian angels in your life
At times, they come then go to the Other Side (8)
Peacefully walking towards the Bright Lights (9)
While their love ones and friends are left behind
Together with the whole world – we praise, pray and cry!

N Nguyen

(Inspired by the remarkable and heartbreaking sacrifices made by the health workers of all time, specially and recently, by the doctors and nurses during the coronavirus crisis.)

(1) “without borders” = (in this context) no borderline is drew to separate between friends and enemies when caring for the sick and wounded

(2) Photo shows NY hospital staff using trash bags as protective gear - https://thehill.com/policy/healthcare/489622-photo-shows-staff-using-trash-bags-as-protective-gear-in-hospital-system

Nurses forced to wear trash bags at hospital - https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/coronavirus-nurse-death-new-york-hospital-trash-bag-doctor-a9427406.html

(3) Retired doctors in Italy are heading back into the fray to treat coronavirus patients - https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/europe/italy-coronavirus-doctors-retired/2020/03/28/075dbda0-6f0f-11ea-a156-0048b62cdb51_story.html

(4) Saudi Doctor Breaks Down As He Couldn’t Hug His Son Due To COVID-19 Scar - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=goywueLwfu8

Chinese doctor in coronavirus fight seen on TV by his son - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZUWRJn_ryNI

(5) Healthcare professionals around the world are sharing photos of their exhausted faces - https://www.businessinsider.com.au/photos-of-doctors-and-nurses-on-the-frontlines-of-coronavirus-2020-3?r=US&IR=T

Heartbreaking Pics Of Overworked Doctors - https://www.boredpanda.com/doctors-nurses-photos-fighting-coronavirus/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=organic

Chinese Nurses Share Pictures Of How Their Faces Look After Countless Hours Fighting The Coronavirus - https://www.boredpanda.com/chinese-nurses-face-masks-corona-virus/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=organic

(6) Exhausted coronavirus doctors pictured sleeping on floors - https://metro.co.uk/2020/02/03/exhausted-coronavirus-doctors-pictured-sleeping-floors-death-toll-hits-361-12177392/

Coronavirus: China’s drastic mass quarantine camp decision - https://www.thechronicle.com.au/news/chinas-drastic-mass-quarantine-decision/3938652/

(7) “voice from inside” = voice of conscience

Chinese Doctor, Silenced After Warning of Outbreak, Dies From Coronavirus


Italian nurse who fell ill commits suicide over fears of spreading coronavirus


(8) “Other Side” = Heaven

(9) “Bright Lights” = Bright Lights of Heaven



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